Community Reinvestment in Illinois’ Heartland

Tuesday, March 10, 7 PM.

Montgomery County Farm Bureau
102 North Main Street,
Hillsboro, Illinois

 Community Reinvestment in Illinois’ Heartland

comm-reinvest-photoYou are invited to attend a listening session, designed to foster discussion on possibilities for creating economic, environmental, and socioeconomic sustainability in Illinois’ heartland.

The program will include a short presentation that illustrates how an economy based primarily on coal also has significant social costs and long-term liabilities. Following the presentation, together we will explore alternatives that can lay the groundwork for vibrant and diversified economies in places historically tied to the “boom and bust” cycle of coal.

  • Bring your ideas for diversifying the economy in your town and county.
  • Learn what other coal-mining communities are doing to build on their history and resources to create jobs and prosperity.
  • Take home a fact sheet that you can share with your friends, family and colleagues.

Contact phone number is 217-324-4444.

Deer Run Mine Permit Renewal Demonstration and Hearing

Deer Run Feb 19 2014 permit 399 renewal pre-hearing protest 011

Citizens stand at the Abraham Lincoln statue on the public square across from the courthouse to protest the renewal of Permit #399 for the Deer Run Mine located within the city limits of Hillsboro.

Deer Run Feb 19 2014 pre-hearing protest 007

Five years ago citizens requested an administrative review of Permit #399, for which they are still waiting. In the meantime, coal has been pouring out of Deer Run Mine and the time has already come for the 5-year permit renewal. Citizens are asking for justice.

Deer Run 399 Renewal IDNR Public Hearing Feb 19 2014 Mary Ellen DeClue 034

Nine citizens gave comments and asked questions at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources public hearing.

Citizens to Protest IDNR Flawed Mine Permit Renewal

What: Public Protest Demonstration of IDNR Coal Mine Permit Renewal
When: Wednesday, February 19, 2014, beginning at 5:15 p.m.
Where: public sidewalk across from the Historic Courthouse, Hillsboro, south sidewalk,  at #1 Public Square, Hillsboro, at the Abraham Lincoln statue.
Citizens are protesting the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) permit for the Deer Run Mine at a public demonstration at 5:15 p.m. February 19th, across from the Historic Courthouse Public Square in Hillsboro. The state is considering an additional five-year permit renewal approval for the same permit that was challenged by area residents and Sierra Club in 2009 for being incomplete and not protective of the local environment and community.
            IDNR should re-examine the Cumulative Hydrologic  Impact Assessment for this coal mine since the mine’s full impacts on area water resources have not been fully addressed. Citizens Against Longwall Mining (CALM) is opposed to the underground longwall mining method used at the mine, which removes nearly the entire coal seam and drops or subsides the surface of the ground often four to six feet with earthquake like impacts. The group is concerned because the Deer Run Mine is covering hundreds of acres of farmland with massive toxic coal slurry impoundments. Once the massive coal waste impoundments are built they will not be cleared away and the land cannot be returned to farming.
             The original permit approved by IDNR in 2009 did not supply specific locations for the coal slurry waste impoundments under the five-year permit. In 2010, the mine filed for and received approval for a major revision that drastically altered an in-ground coal waste pond into an 80-foot-high, approximately 140-acre high hazard impoundment.  Last year the mine applied for a new permit for a nearly 300-acre, 65-foot-tall impoundment which could be the second high hazard dam coal slurry structure at the site. This high hazard impoundment is twice the size of the first impoundment and is located closer to residents in Hillsboro and Schram City. High Hazard dams mean that a dam break could cause injury to property and possibly loss of life.
            The groundwater and drainage around the mine here at Hillsboro are at risk. Future generations will have to deal with what happens to the very shallow underground water levels and the potential for contamination since underground layers here have areas of sand that can allow pollution to travel more quickly and in unexpected ways.
            The Deer Run Mine permit is held by Hillsboro Energy, LLC, which is a Foresight Reserves corporate entity linked to the Natural Resource Partners mining conglomerate that began in West Virginia and is headed by coal billionaire Chris Cline.
            IDNR is holding a public hearing on the renewal of the Deer Run Mine permit at 6 p.m. in the second floor boardroom of the historic courthouse in Hillsboro at #1 Public Square.

CALM Gets a Great Response at the Hillsboro Old Settler’s Celebration

CALM Old Settlers Cathy Aug 2013 009The outside temperature went up to 90 degrees, but CALM volunteers had free iced-cool water for the public, a fan-cooled tent, and some pretty cool displays at the downtown Hillsboro Old Settler’s street fair and celebration, August 21st and 22nd.

Thanks to a Heartland Coalfield Alliance Grant, new brochures were available for handouts. Information included health concerns from coal and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) phone numbers to call to report air issues. To alert the public before the Old Settler’s event, CALM also had a day-glow lime green information page insert in the Hillsboro newspaper with coal dust air quality concerns and a form to file an environmental quality complaint to the state. The Heartland Coalfield Alliance grant provided funding for these special efforts.
CALM Old Settlers display Aug 2013 013At Old Settler’s, a three-panel display board showed longwall mining impacts on flat farm ground. There was information on homes destroyed and historic farm families uprooted because of longwall mining. Issues regarding harmful health affects of coal were also listed. Aerial photos of the Refuse Disposal Impoundment #1 at the Deer Run Mine and large-format maps and information about the second Refuse Disposal Impoundment currently under consideration were also on display. Several photos showed the proximity of the mine processing plant to the Hillsboro Hospital and downtown. Other photos showed the coal slurry refuse impoundment areas and pointed out nearby neighborhoods in Schram City. The coal slurry impoundments are all High Hazard Dams, meaning that loss of life and or property are possible if a breach occurred.
CALM Old Settlers Cathy and Map Aug 2013 011
Signs with “Water Is Life ! CALM Loves Clean Water, Too !” and other posters were around the tent. CALM had a Petition to the Mayor of Hillsboro to request an air monitor at the Hillsboro Hospital and one at the near-by nursing home, which gained a lot of interest and a very good response. Plans will be made in the next weeks to present the petition to the Mayor.

CALM Old Settlers Aug 22 2013 010

Special Thanks go to lead CALM volunteer in organizing the event, Mary Ellen DeClue. Her energy and enthusiasm kept everyone going. Many volunteers made this effort possible, with providing tables, chairs, and other support. In spite of the 10 p.m. finish on a very hot August 22nd, seven dedicated sets of volunteer hands made quick work of packing things up. Several CALM members stopped by the booth during the days to provide fans and support. Chocolate chip cookies were provided by Chair Cathy Edmiston, who helped staff the display and handed out water bottles. Cathy and volunteers handed out  cold water to over 200 people.